insights & innovation symposium microsite Wells Fargo, 2019

On this project, I worked with another designer for an overall design, finalized the individual components, developed the site, and verified cross-browser/device compatibility. The page was built on Bootstrap framework.

Wells Fargo Insights & Innovation Symposium microsite on a laptop

Wells Fargo Insights & Innovation Symposium microsite
Wells Fargo Insights & Innovation Symposium microsite

We implemented subtly-animated elements to make browsing experience more pleasant and navigational elements to maximize the use of space. For example:

  • Top navigation bar changes from two-lines to one-line as you scroll down
  • Agenda items scroll into view as you open them up
  • Speaker photos have a roll-over action and open into a modal window
  • Venue photo utilizes parallax scrolling
  • Optional activities are displayed in scrollable gallery (automatic rotation stops after three time)
  • Planning section is separated into tabs
  • The site is completely responsive and adjusts fluently based on the width of the screen
States of top navigation bar: initial, after scroll-up, and mobile
Three states of top navigation bar
Expanded Agenda on different screen sizes: large, medium, and small
Expanded agenda on three screen sizes
Speakers with rollover action, and modal with a bio
Speakers with rollover and a speaker bio
Activities gallery screens and a small screen view
Activities gallery screens